Because of Your Support: Mom’s Group

Jul 19, 2019Newsletter

Each month we invite 6-8 moms to join us at the office for what we call “Mom’s Group.” At these gatherings, we create time for conversation, food, crafts and sometimes special outings. We provide babysitting to allow the moms space to interact with our staff and each other in helpful ways.

Over the course of the past six months we’ve experienced a beautiful and exciting phenomenon. The moms who have been faithfully attending Mom’s Group have begun developing deeper relationships and have even begun to support one another apart from their AlphaCare interactions. They’ve developed a sort of family vibe and they will text one another encouraging words and babysit for one another when needed. This is what we’ve been praying for!

While we strive to give these women the tools they need to care well and provide for their families, we can’t be here for them forever. So by helping them develop relationships outside of AlphaCare, we’ve given them ongoing support — it’s just not from us, it’s from themselves.

For more information about how you can help us serve moms through Mom’s group, send us an email.

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3807 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104