Care During COVID-19

Apr 29, 2020Client Stories

Shauna looked through the glass with tear-stained cheeks at her baby girl, struggling for her life after arriving 8 weeks early. She so desperately wanted to hold her or touch her sweet little fingers and toes, but that wasn’t allowed. How did she get here?

She had been in the hospital for 10 weeks already, put on bed rest and observation. During this time, all kinds of crazy broke loose around her. COVID-19 restrictions had effectively stripped her of any comforts: family, security, normalcy. Her husband and two children weren’t allowed to visit to break up the monotony of each day. Since she was unable to work, her family lost income and financial security, seriously jeopardizing their ability to feed themselves. Now she was stuck in this hospital and couldn’t even hold her baby. She hadn’t even had a chance to prepare for her baby’s premature arrival.

As she recounted the weeks she spent in the hospital, there was one silver-lining that kept surfacing in her mind. She didn’t think she would have made it through all of this had it not been for the consistent, unrelenting care she received from the AlphaCare staff.

Shauna had been faithfully attending her AlphaCare appointments right up until she had to be hospitalized. Then the staff took up the mantle of faithfulness and kept in touch, calling her every week leading up to her delivery and continuing after. The staff’s kind, calming, praying words were a steadying force amidst the madness. Then, they went even further and provided Shauna’s family with some meals and made arrangements to have baby items delivered to her house. Though Shauna and her baby girl were still hospitalized, what a relief it was to know her family was being cared for.

Shauna’s story would’ve been so different without AlphaCare. Thanks to you, we were there for Shauna. Will you help AlphaCare be there for other moms like her, who need our help?

*names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients.

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