Christmas Greetings: From Karen Hess

Dec 13, 2017Newsletter

As we move toward celebrating the birth of Jesus, I have been pondering the impact that little baby boy had on his family, his community, his people and ultimately the entire world.

Everyone understands that one new little baby can cause a total transformation of an entire household. Some of the changes are obvious and others stay underground for years. One brother may think moving into a bunk bed is fun; another might resent losing his coveted place next to mom at the dinner table. Even the most loving families have adjustments to make to accommodate the needs of a new baby.

AlphaCare families welcome babies with great love and joy, but the adjustments can be quite stressful due to tiny living quarters or financial instability. Out of love for their babies, AlphaCare moms swallow some personal pride to accept clothing, diapers and equipment. Some moms go another step and humble themselves to accept advice, teaching, prayer and maybe even an invitation to a trauma healing workshop. Of course, no one wants to be a project. And no one wants to admit to being needy. So this is hard. So please remember these fledgling families in your prayers. And remember, that Jesus didn’t just come for them, he came for each of us.

My heart overflows with gratefulness for the generous support that has been lavished on AlphaCare this year. Thank you for enabling us to impact so very many lives for good.

May each of you have a very Merry Christmas and an outstanding 2018!

With love in Christ,


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