Comprehensive Care: The Church’s Role in Caring for our Mothers

Oct 16, 2017Client Stories

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27

Many women that AlphaCare serves lack the support support system of family and friends that they need to have a healthy pregnancy and to help them transition to a life with a baby. Often, because of their life experiences, they feel that they cannot trust anyone; that there is no one to turn to when they need help the most.

As nurses and social workers, we actively listen to the struggles these women face, offer encouraging words, and point them to Christ, the truest support. We also try to connect them to other programs in Philadelphia to help build the support system which they are lacking. One key support system we have seen in the lives of our moms is the Church.

Kaneisha is a mother of three who does not have support from her family, friends, or the father of her children. Throughout our appointments she shared her struggles and at one point stated, “I feel better just talking about it with you”. Knowing I can only meet with her every two weeks or sometimes once per month, we began talking about finding a church community to come alongside her. Kaneisha attended a health fair event at a local church within walking distance from her home and they invited her to attend on Sunday morning. Although hesitant at first, I encouraged her to try it out. She was welcomed and found encouragement through the worship service.

Another client, Tanya, shared that her life really started to stabilize after she found support in a local church – first through their vacation Bible school for her children, then through Sunday School and worship. Eventually she even began participating in a weekly women’s Bible study.

Hope and help often start with AlphaCare. But, it doesn’t end there. We joyfully partner with churches all across the city to continue the work of pointing these women to the ultimate hope and help found only in Jesus. Without the church, our mission to transform the lives of these women would be incomplete. We are so thankful for the body of Christ to walk with the women that AlphaCare serves!

Brianna Cross, social worker, with Sue Henderson, nurse

Please contact us (below) if your church would like to learn more about supporting our clients.

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3807 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104