Dealing With Pain, Building Resilience

In a supportive environment our clients found answers as they thought about their stories, shared with each other, connected with their feelings, and built skills of resilience to deal with the difficulties of life.
A few weekends ago we hosted our first Trauma Healing retreat. For Lisa, our Client Advocate, and Charisa, our volunteer co-facilitator, it was a lot of work – but it paid off!
Through the Life Hurts, Love Heals workshops our clients were able to connect with not only one another and form community but also meet with God as He ministered to them.
AlphaCare rented an Airbnb and for three days volunteers provided meals and childcare so that each mom would be able to fully immerse herself in the experience.
Here’s what Lisa had to say about what the clients shared: “One woman experienced abuse growing up in church, and then recently her partner committed suicide. She has been moving back towards God and I think this weekend confirmed a lot that she believes God has been showing her. Another attendee who was raised Muslim but also Jehovah’s Witness said she believed the retreat was like a new beginning for her and her children where she wants to follow God and understand Jesus more.”

Our clients began to find healing from some of the hurts they’ve had in life through learning about how God answers these questions: Am I important to anyone? How can I deal with my pain and loss?
Thank you for supporting these special opportunities for the women we serve to not just be moms, but to grow in the love of Christ.