Giving Thanks: Even for Unknown Endings

Nov 20, 2019Client Stories

Last week, Cheyenne called our office looking for an abortion provider. She was not interested in keeping her baby. Her decision was already made. However, as Helen, our receptionist gently spoke with Cheyenne on the phone, she eventually agreed to come to our office to have a conversation about pregnancy and her options.

Later, as Cheyenne talked with our Program Director, Kim, others throughout the office were praying for this conversation. Each staff member attempting to leave the results in God’s hands, all the while wanting so much for Cheyenne to understand the truth. Our staff doesn’t just think of the women we serve in terms of numbers, statistics or babies saved–this makes their work more weighty and burdensome at times. These women that walk through our doors are souls, just like us. They matter because they are created in God’s image, just as we are. There is no distinction in God’s eyes. We are all sinners in desperate need of a Savior.

Kim’s conversation with Cheyenne went well in our estimation. She was open to sharing her story and listened, leaving our office undecided about her decision, but open to considering life–a change from her determination to choose abortion when she arrived.

Do we worry about the future of Cheyenne and her baby? Sometimes, yes. But, by God’s grace, more often we surrender Cheyenne and her decision to God (He is the mind-changer after all) and we give thanks for God’s kindness in allowing her to hear true words from our staff and an opportunity to be God’s light in her life.

Keep Cheyenne, and other clients like her, in your prayers and consider making a gift so our staff can continue speaking true words to the women we serve.

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3807 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104