“How much are your abortions?”
Dear Friend,
It is more common than ever for AlphaCare staff to be greeted on the phone with the burning question, “How much are your abortions?”. The reasons behind this question are as diverse as the women who walk through our door. Unstable housing, broken relationships, financial hardships, lack of insurance and abuse are just a few of many situations that burden the women we serve. For most, this question spurs from the unknown and with answers they are emboldened to make brave choices.
This is why we offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds — to confirm pregnancy and provide life-saving information.

Kathleen, AlphaCare’s Receptionist
But this information alone is not enough. Women facing an unwanted pregnancy also need to feel safe and heard. We know providing a safe place for those choices to be made is one of the most crucial responsibilities God has tasked us with.
Kathleen is our receptionist. When women call, Kathleen’s is the first voice they hear on the other end of the line. These interactions not only greatly impact the woman calling, but they can leave lasting impressions on the staff answering the phone.
For some women seeking support, the initial phone call to AlphaCare may be the only opportunity for staff to demonstrate compassion and care and impact their ultimate decision.
One day, Olena* called asking for an abortion.
When Kathleen explained our services, Olena spoke for nearly half an hour explaining her circumstances. She was living in a shelter with an abusive partner and worried if he found out she was pregnant his abuse would worsen. She felt trapped — she imagined he would demand she get an abortion or he would leave her for good, taking all her resources and support with him. Fearing she would also lose her job and unsure how she could care for a baby without any help, moving forward in the pregnancy would mean losing what little stability she did have.

Kathleen schedules a client appointment.
Kathleen persistently listened with empathy, offering AlphaCare’s services and support no matter her decision. “It sounded like she really needed someone to talk to about what she was going through,” Kathleen recalled.
Kathleen was that someone, offering a safe place to express her concerns. So much so that Olena called back two more times over the next week and a half to confide in Kathleen about her pressing situation. In addition to listening, Kathleen shared resources and encouragement. Olena was not ready to commit to enrolling in our program, but it is evident that she found relief in sharing what felt to her like an impossible situation.
Though we exist to remind women they are not alone when unwanted pregnancies arise, the work itself can leave staff feeling lonely and burdened. After these phone calls, Kathleen was feeling the heaviness of the choices our clients are forced to make. “I just remember those three conversations with her really weighed on me and I was like, what in the world is the solution here?” Like Kathleen, the work at AlphaCare can leave many staff members feeling discouraged. We have to remind one another that we cannot rely solely on our training and resources – God is in control and we don’t have to take on these burdens alone.
Though we may not always know the end result of our work or the choices made by the women like Olena, we desire that if nothing else, seeds of hope are planted in the lives of each woman as she makes her decision for herself. From the first time she calls our office or walks through our door, we want her to feel safe and know that there’s value in her life and the life of her unborn child.
Will you help us empower women with the strength they need to walk into motherhood?
In partnership,
Brooke Nearman
Executive Director
*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of our client.