Meet the Interns: Karmen and Ellie

Nov 20, 2019Newsletter

Beginning in September of this year, two interns joined the AlphaCare team.

Karmen Sanchez is a junior Business Administration major at Arcadia University and is serving on AlphaCare’s development team. Her goal is to eventually start or lead a nonprofit organization targeting youth–teaching them valuable and necessary life skills such as financial literacy and professional development.
“What surprised me most about working on the development side of an organization like AlphaCare has been the absolute necessity of a supportive and trustworthy team. In many businesses and organizations, the work environment tends to be self-centered and sometimes even competitive, but here, everything we do is to help one another accomplish the overall mission of AlphaCare.”

Ellie Ragonese is a Social Work major at Cairn University and working alongside Brianna Cross our social worker. Here’s what Ellie had to say about her time at AlphaCare so far:

“At the beginning of the semester, I felt like there was so much to know that I would never be confident in what I was doing, since it’s just one semester. However, Brianna and the rest of the staff have been so amazing about answering questions and offering insight and background about all that happens on a day-to-day basis. The experiences I’ve had have been so much more diverse than just meeting with clients in the office, including being on the MMU, going to home visits, the fundraiser, mom’s group and trauma healing classes. I have felt so blessed by God to have this as my senior placement and it has really given me a lot to take with me into my future.”

We are grateful for the extra support that both of these ladies are providing AlphaCare and our clients. We thank God for sending them our way.

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