News & Events
Stay up to date with everything happening with AlphaCare throughout Philadelphia.
This Changes Everything
"I'm old!" Paula blurted out. When she arrived for her appointment, Paula joked with our staff about her age and shared that she already had 3 children ranging in ages from 20-6 years old. She wasn't sure if she would continue the pregnancy, but wanted to confirm...
Volunteer Spotlight: Liberti Communion of Churches
At AlphaCare, the arrival of summer is usually accompanied by visits from committed volunteer groups seeking to support our work. This month, 25 students from the Liberti Communion of Churches visited our office and dedicated their time and skills to help with...
Volunteer Spotlight: Archbishop John Carroll High School
We love partnering with students to make an even greater impact on the families we serve. Last month, students from Archbishop John Carroll High School celebrated Pro-Life Week by supporting AlphaCare through a day of service. Students had the opportunity to assist...
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