News & Events
Stay up to date with everything happening with AlphaCare throughout Philadelphia.
Perspective: The Front Desk
It is certainly a privilege to serve the women, mothers and babies of AlphaCare. It has also been a humbling experience that has significantly contributed to my spiritual growth. Being primarily the first point of contact as clients call and or visit the office...
2017 Fundraising Banquet
Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your part in making our 2017 Annual Fundraising Banquet on September 28 a smashing success! We are humbled and especially excited to see what God is doing through his people. As you may recall, our event speaker, Bishop Vincent...
Lancaster Avenue Day Festival
We had a great day out with our Lancaster Avenue neighbors on Saturday, October 7. We hosted an open house with light refreshments, and Rhonda, our Mobile Medical Unit, was part of the parade! [foogallery id="46566"]
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