News & Events
Stay up to date with everything happening with AlphaCare throughout Philadelphia.
Volunteer Spotlight: Robyn Gannon
When a volunteer dedicates just one day to serving AlphaCare, the difference is profound. Now imagine the impact over 17 years! That’s how long Robyn Gannon and her husband, Aaron, have been supporting AlphaCare through their time and resources. Robyn and Aaron...
Elena’s Journey from Uncertainty to New Life
When 19-year-old Elena* suspected she was pregnant, she first went to Planned Parenthood to confirm. But when she was there, someone handed her a slip of paper. On the slip of paper was AlphaCare’s information. We shouldn’t be surprised when God works in this...
Partner Spotlight: True Light Fellowship Church
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. - 1 Corinthians 12:27 Our partners help us reach, empower, and more robustly support women and families in Philadelphia. It's encouraging to be part of one unified body in this way, seeking to...
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