PA Delegates Visit AlphaCare
Dear Friends,
In early April, AlphaCare hosted a small group of state legislators and staffers – all Democrats and the most publicly opposed to pregnancy centers. After a building tour, five AlphaCare staff sat elbow to elbow with the six guests around our conference room table. What followed was an intimate yet momentous conversation.
Back in September of 2022, Pennsylvania State Rep. Mary Jo Daley sent an email to all her constituents making false statements about pregnancy centers. Rep Daley serves as the co-chairwoman of the Women’s Health Caucus, “…a bicameral group of Pennsylvania state legislators whose interests, among many others, include faithfully upholding the right for women to choose…”.
Christian Petrucci, one of Rep. Daley’s constituents, wrote back, correcting the Rep’s statements and encouraging her to personally visit a pregnancy center. Surprisingly, Rep. Daley replied to Christian’s invitation and asked if he could help arrange a visit after the November elections. This invitation led to the recent visit to AlphaCare.
While I felt a bit of apprehensive about hosting Rep. Daley’s visit, the opportunity grew in significance when she asked to extend the AlphaCare invitation to other state representatives and senators. I knew she would likely invite the state Democrats leading the hearings to “expose” pregnancy centers. I also knew this was a unique opportunity to share the truth without the added dynamics of posturing and grandstanding for media and spectators. We accepted, and Rep. Daley was joined by:
- State Rep. Gina Curry and her staff
- Audrey Mindy, staffer for Senator Schwank,
- Sara Kelly, staffer for Senator Amanda Cappelletti,
- Dylan Lindberg, Research Analyst with PA House Health Committee.
In order to credibly represent ourselves and thoroughly answer the legislators’ questions, I asked multiple program staff to join me in the meeting – Client Services Manager, Brianna Cross; Client Advocate, Lisa Grainge; Nurse Sonographer, Valerie Tuck; Receptionist, Kathleen Chappell. Unsure of what the tone of the conversation would be, we were all a bit nervous. But I knew we had nothing to hide and that our team was well equipped to speak on the positive work we do for women’s health care in Philadelphia.
While I expected our guests may feel a bit awkward upon arrival, I vastly underestimated the chasm that exists in communication and understanding between the wider pro-life and pro-abortion communities. Rep. Daley confessed to the deep fear she felt in coming into our building. She truly thought AlphaCare’s goal was to hurt and harm women in order to keep them from abortion.
So we learned that the legislators were nervous to meet with us as well. They had been told and believed the narrative that all pregnancy centers are fake clinics staffed by individuals who want to prevent abortion at all costs resorting to manipulation, deceit, and harming women.
They were surprised to learn that we are in fact a legally licensed medical clinic operating under the auspices of a medical director and that all our ultrasounds are reviewed and approved by a radiologist. I reassured them that we uphold the confidentiality of client information following HIPPA guidelines, and Val Tuck attested that we do not impede women’s access to care but rather encourage and facilitate it. Our guests were deeply impressed by our knowledge of maternal health and the challenges facing our client population. They even acknowledged that we play a vital role in serving women. Rep. Daley herself said, “unless you’re really really good liars, you deeply care about and contribute to women’s health.” Rest assured; we are not good liars.
We ended our time together planning to continue dialoging. I expressed I would try to serve as a bridge to other pregnancy centers and help those centers offer more information that speaks to the concerns the delegates expressed. Val Tuck was invited to an invitation only meeting in Harrisburg to discuss the use of funds dedicated toward black maternal and fetal outcomes. Rep. Daley asked me to thank Christian Petrucci for making the introduction leading to this visit, and I expect more to develop out of these conversations and relationships. I am confident and thankful that our guests left with an understanding that AlphaCare, and other centers, play an essential role in the ecosystem of women’s health care – and that we operate in a legal and trustworthy manner.

Brooke Nearman
Executive Director