Walking Together: Remotely

Jan 8, 2021Client Stories

The screen was blank. The two R.N.s searched carefully with practiced eyes, and one hopeful mother stared eagerly, but the ultrasound showed no heartbeat. Disappointed beyond words, Ariana accepted nurse Kim Bennett’s recommendation for follow-up care with a doctor.

Within days, the pandemic forced most of Philadelphia to shut its doors for in-person services. Frantically, Ariana made contact with Kim shortly thereafter when she inexplicably began bleeding. Her concern spiked with the reality of having no insurance. Kim guided her to a location where Ariana could be re-scanned. The results this time showed that a miscarriage was likely.

Two days later, Ariana lost her baby.

Through her grief, Ariana reached back out to Kim. Kim faithfully returned her calls, providing emotional support when Ariana most needed it. Ariana had so many questions and misinformation. She carried guilt and shame, thinking that somehow she had caused the miscarriage. Kim had the opportunity to dispel these fears and offer comfort grounded in truth.

For weeks, Kim talked Ariana through anxiety issues, complicated by the death of her child and the ongoing pandemic. Over time, despite the forced “virtual” nature of their conversations, trust was forged. A relationship was built. Ariana allowed Kim not only to talk with her, but to pray with her.

One day, Ariana’s questions centered around another issue. She was feeling nauseous. Kim immediately recognized the clue. She advised Ariana to take a pregnancy test.

It was positive.

Time passed; after not hearing from Ariana for a few weeks, Kim called to reconnect. She learned Ariana was feeling fine physically, but her heart was heavy with the news that a recent ultrasound revealed her child would be born with a cleft palate. Once more, Kim listened, comforted and advised. In God’s providence, she was even able to share from her personal experience with special needs children. Again, Ariana took Kim’s words to heart. She heard the truth of what Kim was saying: the life of every baby is precious. Made in God’s image, no disability can mar or lessen that worth. Hope took root, and Ariana was stabilized and encouraged; she thanked Kim repeatedly.

Ariana’s story is not over, and her baby’s story has just begun. Despite the distance imposed by the pandemic, Kim accompanies them remotely on this journey. She handles many aspects of Ariana’s care, ranging from providing prenatal vitamins to childbirth education. Although physically apart, the two women still walk together. Thank you for your important part in ensuring that Kim and AlphaCare will be there to continue offering hope and help – in person or from a distance.

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