Walking with a Mom: Postpartum Depression

Oct 27, 2020Client Stories

The New Year brought with it a new child for Vanessa – her third. While the baby was welcome, there was also an uninvited guest. Vanessa found herself facing the deep and frightening chasm of Postpartum Depression (PPD).

PPD is a common occurrence for many mothers of newborns. It’s one thing to know a fact, but quite another to deal with a reality. A heavy darkness weighed Vanessa down as she sought to somehow care for her school-aged child, her toddler, and now this precious newborn. Every day, it was a monumental effort to simply get out of bed. Every responsibility (and, with three young children, there were many of them) became a burden.

Because of you, Vanessa was not alone. AlphaCare Social Worker Brianna Cross walked beside Vanessa, helping her to identify and understand PPD and its impact on her life. More than that, Brianna connected her to existing postpartum resources and support, of which Vanessa had been unaware, right here in Philadelphia. Additionally, therapy services were located and put into place for Vanessa over the summer.

Since this is real life, you already know things did not magically improve overnight. Some of Vanessa’s close friends and family members still do not understand the ongoing presence of PPD in Vanessa’s life. Again, Brianna has been helping her to develop strategies to wisely deal with these difficult relational aspects as well as the daily effects of PPD on Vanessa and her children. Beyond these emotional hurdles, Vanessa needs repairs to her home that are beyond the family’s financial means. Once again, Brianna was able to offer help by researching city programs and getting Vanessa enrolled.

Repeatedly, Vanessa turned to AlphaCare for help. Again and again, because you made it possible for Brianna to be there, Vanessa found the assistance she needed and the growing hope that she truly can, by God’s grace, navigate this life she is living in the best and healthiest way possible for herself and her three children. Thank you for offering hope and help in the name of Jesus Christ, and for bringing light to the darkness on many levels.

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