Window to the World Within

May 3, 2021Client Stories

Domenica stared at the plastic home pregnancy test wand. The seconds ticked by. Slowly, slowly…ghostly parallel pink lines began to materialize.

Timing had never been her strong suite.

Here she was, finding her way with a new job in a new city and simultaneously balancing grad school classes. The answer should be clear: not a good time to add a baby. That was the decision she had rather easily made in the past.

Three times, so far.

But…this time was different. Not knowing why, she was undecided – uncertain. She couldn’t seem to determine exactly what she was feeling. All she knew was that she had a sense of urgency, of time marching on and the need to make some kind of decision soon.

Domenica decided she needed to talk to someone, to get some more information before making a choice. She easily located and called an abortion clinic, but learned an ultrasound would be performed only if she scheduled an abortion.

She wasn’t ready to do that again – yet. Plus, her lack of medical insurance was an obstacle she had forgotten to consider.

Domenica came across AlphaCare in her Google search. She spoke with Kim, and in a matter of minutes learned 3 things: how to apply for insurance, that a free ultrasound was available to her and that information, support and pregnancy resources were also hers for the taking.

Domenica made an appointment.

In the office exam room four days later, R.N.s Kim and Sue immediately put Domenica at ease. She relaxed as she chatted with them about the particulars of her new job while they prepared with quiet anticipation and calm efficiency for the ultrasound. Before she knew it, it was time to begin. Domenica suddenly fell silent as the screen brought to life a hidden place within her – a swirling, mysterious universe. In that foreign world, a tiny vibrant being embraced life. The nurses joyfully pointed out the baby as he busily stretched and wiggled – all movements Domenica could not yet even feel! Then the nurses zoomed up close on the baby’s heart, beating steadily as her baby flourished in a perfectly adapted environment, completely unaware that the days of this brief life could be numbered.

The ultrasound ended and Domenica blinked as the exam room lights came on once more. Still uncertain, she told Kim and Sue that the ultrasound helped to somehow make her feel attached to her baby. Donning her jacket and retrieving her purse, Domenica realized she was also taking with her the amazing images she had just witnessed of the little person within, imprinted on her heart and mind.

The nurses watched her go. They had done all they could to offer real hope and practical help. They had made the case for life. They knew Domenica was moved by what she had seen – but was still undecided. They committed her and her child, whose life hung very much in the balance, to God.

Domenica called one week later. She asked about resources. She then took a deep breath – and made an appointment to begin prenatal care. Praise God with us for the decision Domenica made. Please pray for her as she needs courage to continue moving forward. Spared the fate of 3 siblings, pray that this child will grow and develop to be born safe and healthy in due time. Thank you for partnering together with us on this journey with Domenica…and her baby.

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