News & Events
Stay up to date with everything happening with AlphaCare throughout Philadelphia.
Safety for the Unborn: Chris Maragos
Philadelphia Eagle Chris Maragos and his wife Serah have been a bold voice for both the unborn and AlphaCare for the past 3 years and we are so grateful for their support. Earlier this month, World News did an article highlighting the Maragos' and their work with...
Volunteer Spotlight: Temple University Students
Over the past year, we have been blessed to develop a closer relationship with a couple of pro-life student groups on the campus of Temple University: Voices for the Vulnerable and Temple Students for Life. Recently they invited us to join them on campus where they...
Thanks to You We Can Keep the Mobile Medical Unit on the Road!
Did you know that it costs around $365 to staff and run the mobile medical unit (MMU) for one day? But did you also know that having our mobile unit on the road in 2017 allowed us to reach 35% more moms and babies? According to these numbers, the cost is well worth...
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