News & Events
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Partnership Spotlight: Knights of Columbus OLGC Council #15658
Ultrasound is pivotal to what we do at AlphaCare. Offering women factual information about their pregnancy hinges on accurate imaging, measurements, and dating during the sonogram. While, a positive pregnancy test lets a woman know she’s pregnant, the ultrasound...
An Answered Prayer
Malika always called herself pro-life, but that doesn’t mean she was ready for a baby now. So when she found out she was pregnant, she started to panic. She never believed in abortion but was overwhelmed by shame and fear. Before telling anyone she was pregnant,...
An Intimidating Delivery
Things have not been easy for Keyanna. She first came to AlphaCare 6 years ago, pregnant with her first child at 19. This past summer she returned to AlphaCare when she found herself pregnant again. Without a stable support system, Keyanna works on and off to...
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