What One (or Two) Can Do!

May 3, 2021Newsletter

Have you heard of Quakers for Life? It is an active student group at The University of Pennsylvania. Last year, the group held a baby shower, which Brooke attended. She was encouraged by the students’ desire to care for women who made the sometimes-difficult choice to parent. It was a blessing to be present at that pre-Covid time and express gratitude for the items and donations the students enthusiastically gave to AlphaCare.

The pandemic made a 2021 in-person shower impossible, but senior Lorenza Colarossi (who is also a board member for Quakers for Life) was determined to find a way to help. She generated interest among her peers and then contacted AlphaCare to suggest a virtual baby shower! Lorenza has been instrumental in sharing the Amazon Wish List created by AlphaCare’s social workers for the virtual shower with a network of people, reaching far beyond just the student group. She targets a different group of her acquaintances each week to ensure donations keep arriving at the office.

Lorenza learned of AlphaCare through Quakers for Life. She points out that the members are not necessarily Quakers, but the group took its name from the university’s mascot. She states, “I am passionate about helping AlphaCare because I believe the work you do is the greatest form of female empowerment. You highlight the strength and dignity inside of each woman by helping them care for their children and establish themselves.”

When asked about the Amazon list in particular, Lorenza says, “Reaching out to people has been such a blessing. No matter what walk of life people come from…they all want to help when they hear about the work AlphaCare does. It’s made my job so easy…It’s also so inspiring to know that each item that is purchased will be used and appreciated by a hardworking mom and her sweet baby!”

Taking her enthusiasm even further, Lorenza has volunteered to serve in other ways at AlphaCare. She and her boyfriend Colin Christie (a Penn graduate and former member of Quakers for Life) stepped in to help when an extra driving team was needed for deliveries to our moms and babies. They have also come to the office (both vaccinated and healthy!) to help with reorganizing our crowded storage space and filtering out unneeded items.

As if all of this wasn’t enough, Colin connected with his home church and has opened the door to applying for a grant for AlphaCare. We have been so blessed by the enthusiasm and energy of these motivated and inspiring young adults. Thank you, Lorenza and Colin, for reminding us of what we are each capable of doing when we decide to get involved and think outside the box! Lorenza’s response to our gratitude? “Of course!! So happy to help.” Amen. May this great example inspire our hearts to serve in any way the Lord leads as He continues to build a legacy of mercy through us all at AlphaCare.

We’re so grateful for Lorenza’s and Colin’s work as AlphaCare Ambassadors. If you’d like to know more about generating donations and material goods for AlphaCare, let us know!

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