News & Events
Stay up to date with everything happening with AlphaCare throughout Philadelphia.
Updated Client Website:
AlphaCare is excited to announce the launch of our newly updated website! Our fresh site went live last month, and since then has been providing our online visitors with a more interactive and informative experience. This client-oriented website...
Meet the Interns: Karmen and Ellie
Beginning in September of this year, two interns joined the AlphaCare team. Karmen Sanchez is a junior Business Administration major at Arcadia University and is serving on AlphaCare's development team. Her goal is to eventually start or lead a nonprofit...
Our Newest Board Member: Charles Hopkins
Introducing Charles Hopkins, our newest board member. With an MBA from Cairn University and current position as the Chief Development Officer at The Glenmede Trust Company, Charles holds experience and expertise to serve as AlphaCare's Treasurer this coming year....
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