What One (or Two) Can Do!
What One (or Two) Can Do! Have you heard of Quakers for Life? It is an active student group at The University of Pennsylvania. Last year, the group held a baby shower, which Brooke attended. She was encouraged by the students’ desire to care for women who made...
Introducing Deborah Centurion Molloy
Introducing Deborah Centurion Molloy You never know what might happen on a social outing. For Deborah Centurion Molloy, she ended up finding a job! Deborah met Executive Director Brooke Nearman at TopGolf when they were spending time with mutual friends. Deborah was...
Window to the World Within
Window to the World Within Domenica stared at the plastic home pregnancy test wand. The seconds ticked by. Slowly, slowly…ghostly parallel pink lines began to materialize. Timing had never been her strong suite. Here she was, finding her way with a new job in a...
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