Volunteer Perspective: Finding Hope

Volunteer Perspective: Finding Hope

It’s Tuesday afternoon and I am standing on the step in front of 3807 Lancaster Avenue. Lovely window boxes filled with colorful Spring flowers grace the front of the brick building that stands out against a sometimes neglected neighborhood. Here things are...

Safety for the Unborn: Chris Maragos

Philadelphia Eagle Chris Maragos and his wife Serah have been a bold voice for both the unborn and AlphaCare for the past 3 years and we are so grateful for their support. Earlier this month, World News did an article highlighting the Maragos’ and their work...

Christmas Greetings: From Karen Hess

As we move toward celebrating the birth of Jesus, I have been pondering the impact that little baby boy had on his family, his community, his people and ultimately the entire world. Everyone understands that one new little baby can cause a total transformation of an...

Thanks to you we can provide Trauma Healing

Many of our AlphaCare moms carry a weight that we cannot simply lift off their shoulders by providing social services, prenatal education, or even free diapers and baby clothes. They are burdened by past experiences–experiences that are a direct result of our...

Perspective: The Front Desk

It is certainly a privilege to serve the women, mothers and babies of AlphaCare. It has also been a humbling experience that has significantly contributed to my spiritual growth. Being primarily the first point of contact as clients call and or visit the office...

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3807 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104