Another Option

Another Option The need for another nurse (or two) has directly impacted our clients. When Jane called AlphaCare, she was looking to have her pregnancy confirmed via an ultrasound. Jane needed this confirmation in order to schedule an appointment with an abortion...
Securing A Home

Securing A Home

Securing A Home Keenya threw down her pen and put her head in her hands. Even with her eyes closed, the daunting pages of paperwork loomed before her. It was just too much… Soft gurgling sounds called for her attention, and Keenya opened her eyes. In the car seat next...
Window to the World Within

Window to the World Within

Window to the World Within Domenica stared at the plastic home pregnancy test wand. The seconds ticked by. Slowly, slowly…ghostly parallel pink lines began to materialize. Timing had never been her strong suite. Here she was, finding her way with a new job in a...
Stepping Toward Empowerment

Stepping Toward Empowerment

Stepping Toward Empowerment Emily stared down at her worn shoes through eyes blurred with tears as her aunt delivered the news. “I did the best I could for you, girl. But we ain’t hardly got enough room in this house for you, let alone for you and a BABY. You gonna...
Walking Together: Remotely

Walking Together: Remotely

Walking Together: Remotely The screen was blank. The two R.N.s searched carefully with practiced eyes, and one hopeful mother stared eagerly, but the ultrasound showed no heartbeat. Disappointed beyond words, Ariana accepted nurse Kim Bennett’s recommendation for...

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